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Professional Experience

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General Skills





Bilingual (English and French)

Informed Decision Making

Qualitative Research


Professional Experience


The unLibrarian (online) - January 2020 to Present

The unLibrarian, Moncton, New Brunswick

  • Own and operate a business as a freelance librarian to provide independent information services;

  • Provide business services such as NUANS Business Name reservations and land information services;

  • Create independent systems for creators with a lot of materials in need of organizing;

  • Run all business operations, including promotion and networking on and social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and through online mixers and meetings).


Bilingual Data Specialist (full-time, remote) - December 2020 to May 2022

THL Information Healthline (, London, Ontario

  • Maintained data for health and social organizations in Ontario


Bibliothécaire en médecine (full-time, Tenured Satellite Medical Librarian III)  - May 2010 to March 2019

Centre de formation médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick (CFMNB) Bibliothèque Champlain, Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick

  • Researched thousands of reference questions on research, personal development, and strategic planning;

  • Created a shared network structure that responded to the users’ needs and organizational structure which included executing a change management plan, blitz-type strategy to on- board all employees to the new structure and migrate their files;

  • Delivered constructive feedback in a fashion to improve morale and courage to continue with their projects despite the barriers they faced;

  • Member of several union and professional committees including the Ethics Review Board;


PICHI Network Librarian (remote, part-time) - January 2016 to February 2019

University of New Brunswick-Saint John, Saint John, New Brunswick

  • Developed a systematic review system and trained the evaluators on the system and protocols as the expert librarian, primarily on defining who are children with complex health conditions as a population.


Librarian Instructor, Natural Nutrition (part-time) - September 2015 to December 2016

Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, Moncton, New Brunswick

  • Created pedagogical material based on the curriculum requirements;

  • Taught the research methods course along with information literacy skills for students learned to discern from junk science and authoritative documents.


Coordinator, Employee Development (full-time with travel from satellite site) - March 2009 to April 2010

Sykes Assistance Services, Moncton, New Brunswick

  • Effectively communicated sensitive training and product releases by leveraging integrated e-learning software, Adobe Captivate, along with Adobe Acrobat and Robohelp;

  • Evaluated, prepared and facilitated ongoing training and development programs;

  • Responsible for termination of employees who did not achieve operational standards before end of training.


Reference Librarian/Librarian Intern (full-time) - April 2008 to March 2009

Riverview/Moncton Public Library, New Brunswick Public Library Service, Moncton, New Brunswick

  • Prepared a comprehensive marketing report which included demographic and community statistics, an analysis of existing programs and services offerings along with recommendations for future programming and signage;

  • Taught basic computer skills to patrons and managed compute access terminals.


Acting Director (Bilingual, full-time)  - July 2008 to October 2008

Smurfit-Stone Public Library, New Brunswick Public Library Service, Bathurst, New Brunswick

  • Collaborated with interest groups: New Brunswick Public Library Service, library trustee board, and city council;

  • Coordinated collection development and weeding of the library collection and donations;

  • Managed library finances, including authorizing purchases for programs and supplies;

  • Managed team of two permanent employees as well as part-time staff, summer students, and volunteers.


Career Information Assistant (part-time) - September 2007 to April 2008

Frank G. Lawson Career Information Centre, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • Consulted on special issues such as career strategies for students with disabilities;

  • Drafted a collection development policy for acquisitions, tracking, and weeding materials;

  • Enhanced my knowledge of career and employment resources, collected labour market information, assisted students on writing their resumes and cover letters, and engaged in interviews with students to help them find the information they required to decide on their education and employment options;

  • Updated and developed their resource collection database in Microsoft Access 2003.


Database Teaching Assistant (one 3-credit course each semester) - September 2007 to April 2008

Applications for Information Management and Database Management Systems School of Information Management, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • Assisted in class and at exams by assessing students' performance and answering Microsoft Access related questions along with office hours for one-on-one consultations;

  • Taught the tutorial class once a week with a full demonstration of theory taught using Microsoft Access 2003.


Student Environmental Librarian (full-time, summer FSWEP program) - May 2007 to August 2007

Environment Canada Library, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

  • Assisted the librarians throughout the summer by shelving books, reading and classifying environmental publications, and inventoried maps of the Atlantic Provinces along with a searchable excel file;

  • Answered reference questions for employees regarding legislation, environmental assessments and other environmental topics;

  • Created and presented marketing materials for library services;

  • Serials management using Sirsi/Dynix Horizon and bound books in disrepair.


Archival Student (student placement) - May 2007

Nova Scotia Provincial Archives, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • Shadowed various departments;

  • Archived old correspondence documents including removing the metal paper clips;

  • Assisted in the archival reference department and in retrieving various formats including microfilm and microfiche.


Archives Consultant (part-time) - September 2006 to June 2007

Chogyum Trungpa Legacy Project - Feasibility Study, Shambhala Archives, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • Prepared a strategic plan with recommendations to digitize the archival collection including technology recommendations for scanning pictures and photographing relics.


Qualitative Research Assistant (part-time) - January 2007 to June 2007

Co-operative Difference Project, Social Economy Project Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • Analyzed interviews using NVivo qualitative analysis software, MS Word and Excel;

  • Coordinated meetings with supervisors and interprovincial project leaders;

  • Explained the complex data and relationships generated from the analysis through creating diagrams and generating reports.


Genealogist and Museum Interpreter (summer SEED student) - June 2005 to August 2005

Lutz Mountain Heritage Foundation, Moncton, New Brunswick

  • French and English Tourist Guide;

  • Interpreted museum displays and researched museum objects;

  • Researched family histories using the New Brunswick Provincial Archives online system, cemetery files, census records, family history books, and other resources.


Customer Service Representative (part-time & full-time summer) - August 2004 to October 2006

Blockbuster Video Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • Awarded Employee of the Month for highest sales and best mystery shop scores more times than I can remember;

  • Completed Supervisory Training and training as offered such as WHIMIS and CPR;


Guidance Counsellor Assistant (co-op placement) - February 2002 to June 2002

JMA Armstrong/Salisbury Middle School Complex, Salisbury, New Brunswick

  • creating exemplary portfolios using my own works, and proofread a district anti-bullying proposal:

  • Consulted with students to provide career and portfolio information and guidance;

  • Presented career information sessions including a session on listening skills;

  • Reviewed class schedules to ensure students could meet graduation requirements.


Assessment, Editorial & Evaluation Experience

Publons-recognized Peer Reviewer (June 2018 to Present)

Sage Journals

CASPER Évaluateur [Rater] (January 2020 to March 2022)
Altus Assessments

Delegated Member & Outreach Instructor (September 2016 to December 2018)
Committee for Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, Université de Moncton


Juge des présentations [Graduate Presentations Judge] (March 2018)

Colloque des jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs (CJCC), Université de Moncton


Peer Conference Proposal Reviewer (March 2016 and March 2018)
Graduate Research Conference, University of New Brunswick


Peer Article Reviewer (2014)
Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association

Eliot Prize Jury Member (2012 to 2013)
Medical Library Association



Community Contributions

Board Member, Autism Resource Centre - Riverview, (August 2022 to October 2022)


Information Literacy Interest Group Convener, Atlantic Provinces Library Association (September 2010 to 2017)


President, Maritime Health Library Association (April 2014 to April 2015)


Vice-Conference Chair Planner, Atlantic Provinces Library Association (June 2014)


Vice-President, Maritime Health Library Association (April 2012 to April 2014)


Treasurer and Membership Coordinator, Maritime Health Library Association (April 2010 to April 2012)


Member – Curriculum/Continuing Education Committee for the SIM Associated Alumni,
School of Information Management, Dalhousie University (June 2010 to May 2011)

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