Hello, and welcome to an episode of The unLibrarian. This episode talks about earning any sort of living with disabilities. While many episodes of The unLibrarian podcast will be breaking down complex topics and making them simple, some episodes need to be for change. Some episodes need to be recorded from the heart and real life experience in order to capture the truth behind what we do every day, because it takes some doing. You have to want to work in order to get it done. You have to see that working is better than doing nothing. Sometimes that can be hard to see when pain or obstacles are stacking up, but getting to the other side of it is so important to living a fulfilled life. If you’re someone who struggles with the day to day undertakings surrounding your job, family and life in general because you live with a disability, this episode may be worth a listen. You aren’t alone.
In This Episode:
[1:20] How can a disability impact your ability to work?
[2:50] Can recognizing and removing your own biases open up opportunities for deeper understanding and growth?
[4:26] How basic rules and unifying to be a proverbial village can negate bullying and create a more conducive environment for everyone.
[6:20] Humans are multifaceted beings. How can we expect them to fall into black and white models?
[10:33] What were “the years of tragedy” and how did they change the trajectory of the unLibrarian.
[13:50] How can we move forward surrounding topics like disability as a society and a culture?
[15:37] Can having a disability be a positive thing?
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To purchase Everyday Magic with Kids for download: https://www.theunlibrarian.com/product-page/everyday-magic-with-kids-hidden-curriculum-of-childhood
To purchase Advocating for the Self for download: https://www.theunlibrarian.com/product-page/advocating-for-the-self
To read Identity of Disability as a download: https://www.theunlibrarian.com/product-page/identity-of-disability-ebook
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