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Publications & Presentations




  1. Horsman, A. R. (2022). Identity of Disability. A Modern-Historical Comparison of living in North American societies with deafblindness.

  2. Azar, R., Doucet, S., Horsman, A.R. et al. A concept analysis of children with complex health conditions: implications for research and practice. BMC Pediatr 20, 251 (2020).

  3. Reid, A. E., Doucet, S., Luke, A., Azar, R., & Horsman, A. R. (2019). The impact of patient navigation: a scoping review protocol. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 17(6), 1079-1085

  4. Phinney, J. & Horsman, A. (2018). Satellite stories: Capturing professional experiences of academic health sciences librarians working within delocalized health sciences programs. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 106(1): 74–80.

  5. Horsman, A. (2015). Evidence Based Nutrition and the Integrated Librarian. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association / Journal de l’Association des Bibliothèques de la Santé du Canada, 36(3),

  6. Ward, S., Bélanger, M., Donovan, D., Horsman, A., & Carrier, N. (2015). Correlates, determinants, and effectiveness of childcare educators’ practices and behaviours on preschoolers’ physical activity and eating behaviours: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 4(1), 1–6,

  7. Horsman, A. (2012). Book Review: Mob Rule Learning. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association, 33(3).

  8. Horsman, A. (2011). Mendeley and Researchers: An Observation of a Collaborative Bibliographic Management Tool | Atlantic Provinces Library Association. APLA Bulletin, 75(1).

  9. Horsman, A. (2010). Bilingual Anglophone in a Francophone University - Francophone University in a Bilingual Anglophone World. APLA Bulletin, 74(1).

  10. Horsman, A. (2008). Cultural Catalysts: Acadian Youth in Moncton, New Brunswick. Saint Mary’s University.



Conference Presentations


  1. Horsman, A. (2017, 25 May). Information searching behaviour and decision making from a theoretical lens. Atlantic Provinces Library Association Conference 2017, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

  2. Horsman, A. (2017, 6 April). Framework Development of an Interdisciplinary Thesis: English Medical Literature & Clinical Decision-making Among Non-native English Health Sciences Actors. SIM Research Day 2017, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  3. Horsman, A. (2017, 18 Mars). Interdisciplinarity of theoretical frameworks. Graduate Research Conference 2017, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

  4. Horsman, A., Exner, N. & Reed, M. (2016, 8 November). Targeting the librarian’s role in research services [webinar]. Library Connect Webinars.

  5. Horsman, A. & Feldner, D. (2016, 19 October). How librarians use Mendeley to overcome research challenges [webinar].

  6. Horsman, A. (2016, 18 March). La langue des ressources et la prise de décisions. Journée de recherché interdisciplinaire en santé, Moncton, New Brunswick.

  7. Marcoux, J. and Horsman, A. (2014, 30 October). Trouver des statistiques en santé. « Plongez dans la recherche! », 3e Journée de formation de base sur la recherche en santé et en mieux-être, Moncton, New Brunswick.

  8. Horsman, A. (2014, 14 March). La médecine factuelle et la recherche documentaire. Journée de recherché interdisciplinaire en santé, Moncton, New Brunswick.

  9. Horsman, A. and M’hamed, B. (2013, 18 October). Ressources électroniques : UpToDate vs Dynamed –  situation au Nouveau-Brunswick. Association des Bibliothèques de la santé affiliée à l'Université de Sherbrooke (ASDESE) meeting, Sherbrooke, Québec.

  10. Horsman, A. (2013, 18 October). Mendeley et les projets de recherche avec les professeurs. Association des Bibliothèques de la santé affiliée à l'Université de Sherbrooke (ASDESE) meeting, Sherbrooke, Québec.

  11. Horsman, A. (2013, 4-7 May). Strategic sustainability: collaboratively creating a thriving medical library association [affiche]. Medical Library Association Conference 2013, Boston, Maine, United States.

  12. Horsman, A. (2013, 15 March). Spiritualités et soins spirituels : discours et pratiques en milieu de santé. Journée de recherché interdisciplinaire en santé, Moncton, New Brunswick.

  13. Horsman, A. (2012, 24 May). Value-Added Interests: Promoting membership participation. Atlantic Provinces Library Association Conference 2012, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

  14. Horsman, A. (2011, 18 May). Information Gatekeepers and Language Barriers. Atlantic Provinces Library Association Conference 2012, St. John’s, Newfoundland.




2018 Operating Grant: SPOR PIHCI Network - Knowledge Synthesis Grants. Title: Interventions to Support Transitions in Care for Children and Families with Complex Health Care Needs in the Community. Doucet, Shelley A; Chan, Kevin J; Gordon, John; Splane, Jennifer; Vine, Jocelyn P; Azar, Rima; Chafe, Roger E; Curran, Janet; Dionne, Emilie; Montelpare, William J. Co-investigator: ... Horsman, Amanda R. CIHR contribution: $25,000

Role: Expert Librarian


2015-2016 - CIHR Operating Grant: SPOR PIHCI Network Quick Strike. Title: Children with complex health conditions: Let’s learn who they are and their needs to better serve them! Co- PIs: S. Doucet, R. Azar, W. Montelpare; Co- Investigators/Collaborators: S. Gander, M. Andre Doucet, A. Horsman, N.Hyndman, T.McDonald, B. Miedema, G. Potter, R. Stoddard - $100,175

Role: Expert Librarian​

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