​Book The UnLibrarian for an In-class Research Literacy session
Invite The UnLibrarian to teach research methodologies, evidence-based medicine and other literacy skills in your classroom.
Includes a 45 information literacy session on…
- Building effective search strategies
- How to use Google & other resources
- A discipline specific example & exercise to build critical thinking skills
Private Facebook group with up to 45 minutes of reference time dedicated to answering student questions after the session.
Access to research literacy modules and checklists available exclusively on www.theunlibrarian.com.
If you require an assignment too, please allocate 25 minutes for a reference interview within the week to craft the assignment and to discuss fees.
Call to book an appt. Please allow for up to 15 minutes for intake interview.
Available local to Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada for in person.
Also very well versed in most LMS systems, Zoom, Adobe classrooms, and more.
- 3,500 Canadian dollars