Background Statement
Time Management is important to help ensure efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the most desirable results. Learning how to reflect and evaluate one’s own time usage allows one to assess their own efficiency and identify areas of self-improvement.
Reason for training
The Time Management training is a reminder of how time spent at work affects one’s efficiency and productivity. It is helpful to self-reflect on time management skills to make self-improvement. Increased employee efficiency increases the effectiveness of the company as a whole.
Target group
Employees of x group.
Training Rationale
The goal is to increase staff efficiency and productivity.
After this training session, employees will be able to reflect on their time management skills to increase their efficiency at the workplace. The employees can request to meet with supervisors to go over their worksheets for suggestions on ways to improve efficiency. Efficiency is measured by productivity by the employees. The effectiveness of this training should result in increased employee productivity.
The employees will use the materials provided by this training seminar and reflect on their current use of time and improve their efficiency and productivity.
Training Method
From Dobson (1999):
- Time log
- Project/goal planning worksheet
- Sample Monthly Calendar
- Mayonnaise Jar and Golf Balls anecdote
Kendrick, Tom. 2004. The project management tool kit: 100 tips and techniques for getting the job done right. American Management Association.
Dobson, Michael S. 1999. The jugglers guide to managing multiple projects. Project Management Institute.
Heerkens, Gary R. 2002. Project management. McGraw-Hill.
Lesson Outline

Here is the evaluation form developed for this training plan that you can download in PDF format:
And a very basic PowerPoint to be customized to your needs:
Happy Time Management Training!
From, Amanda, The unLibrarian