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Trackers and Checklists

Check out my new products!

I started selling excel sheets & word documents as checklists & trackers. The first theme is organizing health appts & budget awareness.

These docs are based on lifelong personal patient experience with an unLibrarian twist.

Health Management Tracker:

Health Appointment Checklist

The two documents available online so far are a tracker & a checklist. The Tracker is an excel book made up of four sheets: track appointments, contact list, medications tracking, & treatments tracking. The Checklist is a one-page guide to best prepare for health appointments.

The Health Appointment Checklist is idealist, complete with an appt agenda. So, it is important to keep in mind: this is to best prepare yourself for your own advocacy. That said, it doesn't mean all points will be covered in your appointments. But! You'll be prepared in case.

Between anxiety of planning & the invaluable time you will save with the Health Appointment Checklist along with the monthly budget estimate tool in the Health Management Tracker, at 5$ per tool, what you will save in the future is priceless.


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